Choosing A Cleaner
With so many cleaning services to choose from, trying to find the most competent and trustworthy company to invite into your home can be a real challenge. What do you look for when seeking the best commercial window cleaner? There are a few very important factors we recommend that you consider when making the decision to hire a professional cleaning company and choosing a cleaner.
Fully Insured
Before inviting any professional cleaner into your home, there are two types of insurance coverage the cleaning company must have to ensure that you’re protected from unforeseen liabilities.General Liability
This insurance provides coverage to the company for damages to property or injuries caused by the company or its employees. It is a primary line of insurance coverage that all businesses should have.Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation provides payments to injured workers for the time lost from work and for medical and rehabilitation costs arising from an accident. In the state of South Carolina, employers are NOT required to purchase Workers’ Compensation coverage if they have less than four full time employees. Companies with less than four full time employees or that use sub-contractors (not technically employees), are not required to purchase Workers’ Compensation coverage! Workers’ Compensation is the most expensive insurance for most employers, costing as much as 15 percent of the company’s total payroll.Many cleaning companies do not purchase Workers’ Compensation in order to save money and gain a competitive pricing advantage. BEWARE!
As a homeowner, you are assuming considerable risk if you hire someone to perform work at your home who is not covered by Workers’ Compensation. Even though you are not the worker’s “employer,” if a worker is injured at your home and his employer does not have workers compensation coverage, some courts have found the homeowner to be liable! To make matters worse, homeowner’s liability insurance policies DO NOT typically cover medical and lost wage costs for employees working in a home.Before inviting anyone to work in your home, you should require proof that the worker is covered by workers’ compensation insurance.
Insurance Certificate
Before beginning any work in your home, the cleaning company should be willing to provide you with an official “Insurance Certificate” as evidence that they have adequate insurance coverage in place. Unfortunately, many companies will quote below market pricing for their work by saving money on insurance coverage and employment taxes, thereby passing the risk of loss onto their customers. Ambassador Window Cleaning follows all best practices and can provide an insurance certificate upon request. We value our workers and our clients, and we always strive to provide exceptional levels of service.
Cleaner’s References
The company should be willing to provide references. It pays to check references to avoid potential headaches after the fact. An easy way to check references is to use the internet. Check customer ratings on web sites such as Google, Yelp, etc. If the company posts testimonials on its web site these are helpful especially if they identify the names of customers.